Tales of Joy #4

Hello again, dear readers.

I don’t know if I can describe the way that I am greeted here, all day long…like a beloved auntie who has finally returned…

I am the oldest member of this community and therefore Pa Joy**, which means Auntie Joy, to all. Some of these relationships go back decades. We traveled Thailand together with Khun Mae and shared some challenges, too.

It was my birthday last week…and I tend to be a curmudgeon about holidays. So I wanted it to be low-key. I consider every day as a holy day… and sense a subtle suffering woven into the formal holidays. There is some longing for more, something, uuuuh, structurally unstable…

Simultaneously, some child part of me did want to be celebrated. (Yes, it confuses me, too!) In any case, the latter part was rewarded with three birthday celebrations!

I was first greeted by the community with a very special non-sugar birthday cake (fruit, almond flour, pecans, a bit of honey), made by the young woman in the middle wearing glasses – Sasha. It seemed
to be the most delicious cake in the world.

It was accompanied, of course, by my signature song around here:

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to me
Every day we are born
And every day we are free!

Later in the afternoon, I was invited to tea by my delightful buddies Arm and Num. They moved into S.D.S. last year, and are helping Pa Tum with administrative tasks. Num runs the family business from his home here, with his partner Arm. I’ve spent many afternoons with them in past years, teaching them my favorite songs.

I doubt if Queen Victoria ever experienced a more elaborate High Tea!
And the day’s celebrations ended with my besties, Nawng Joy and Aey, at a restaurant…..

…To read the full newsletter #4 … CLICK HERE (view or download pdf)