Tales from St. Helena’s Bay #1

To pick up from the “Tales From Cape Town #1,” where I last left you hanging, ten days ago….

Here’s the moon rising, at sunset, from my porch.

Here’s the moon rising, at sunset, from my porch.

My friends Fakier and Tim and I drove north, up the western Cape, through many national preserves, which were mostly ocean-side chaparral with a few ostrich and springbok and flamingoes and ibis.. Everything is dry and it looks like yet another drought year coming, to the farmers’ dismay. Finally, after a few hours, we found Eiland Huis (Afrikaan, for Island House), outside of St. Helena’s Bay.

As my American friend Jimmy Whitfield, who spent several decades as a missionary all over sub-Saharan Africa, wrote me: Truly that part of the Continent is one of the most beautiful places ever created.

So what is a sporadically funded non-profit home for severely disabled children, many of them indigent, doing on a piece of fabulously beautiful beachfront property, you might ask? …

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